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We are a loving family of 7 (3 kids, 3 fur kids) with a background in dog training and Canine behaviour. We believe when you purchase a puppy through our family you are taking home a forever family member in which you are proud of. 

We handle the puppies from birth, socialize with children, work on confidence training, bathroom training, kennel work, first set of shots/dewormer, health checkup, 90 days of insurance, and we feed the best food to our puppies. 

We also welcome the families to come spend time with their puppy to make the transitions to home a little easier. 

We supply all owners with resources to prepare for their new member! 

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Biewer Yorkie 

The Biewer Yorkie is a rare breed of toy dog that has long hair hanging quite straight down the side of its body. The breed was developed in 1984 due to a so-called Piebald genetic recessive gene, originating from 2 Yorkshire Terriers. It is seldom found outside of Germany, its country of origin, where it was bred.

The breed was first imported into the USA in 2003. The breed standard is that of a Yorkshire Terrier except for the coloring. The head must have three colors: black or blue, white, and gold in good symmetry. The belly, chest, legs, and the tip of the tail are white. The tail is full. The back is blue or black with white in it. The hair is silky, not curly.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of the body.

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Perfect Temperaments. Perfect Family Members.



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